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A quick guide to transporting or traveling with cats

How to know who to trust with your feline family members.

As someone who’s transported hundreds of cats across the nation, I can say for certain….
when they’ve had enough, they’ve had enough.

Even the most quiet and confident have their limits during travel, and it pops up pretty quick if the proper planning, care and precautions aren’t taken seriously.

Taking a cat to the vet or even a quick plane ride is completely different animal than days in a kennel.
A cat can be as expensive as a large dog to relocate, because a legitimate pet travel service has to make sure the stress levels are kept low, the cabin is kept at a reasonable temperature, and each cat has room to relax away from others if they want to.

A proper kennel for a cat or cats must be large enough for sperate areas.
There has to be enough room for each cat to spread out comfortably.
A separate space for food and water away from a regular size litter box.

Sometimes two litter boxes are even needed if multiple cats are in the same kennel, because for whatever reason, one will claim the litter box as his bed almost every time.

In short. The cats you have at home are not the same cats after about 24 hours in a kennel together.
So to prevent injury or dangerous levels of stress, the right conditions must be met for a real professional pet transporter to undertake such an adventure.

If you’re getting quotes for the transport of your cats, please ask the following questions.

What size kennel are they using, and what’s the set up?
Are there any other animals traveling with? ( sounds and smells can be very stressful. )
What type of vehicle? ( there should plenty of room for ventilation and cold air )
Can you see the set up?
Are they licensed, Commercially insured and USDA registered?

Remember…TRUST US is not a policy of a legitimate transporter. 
So please verify your cat will be in safe and professional hands.


PawPaws Express
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